How is it to belong to a community, and to believe in something together, something that is bigger than oneself?
Can anyone belong to such a community?
Choreographer and dancer Ulf Nilseng and his crew explores religion and sexual identity in the trilogy «Ulf goes Religious». In close collaboration with musician Sjur Miljeteig, scenographer and costume designer Corentin Jean-Paul Marcel Leven, light designer Kerstin Weimers, the dancers Sudesh Adhana and Stian Danielsen and producer Jorunn Kjersem Hildre, Ulf continues to work on queer themes and ideas about freedom.
The project is funded by Arts Council Norway, and part 1 is co-produced by Bærum Kulturhus.
Premiere 26th of January 2018, 7.30 pm
Also shown 27th and 28th of January, 7.30 pm.
Tickets and more information here
Photos and trailer by Tale Hendnes
Poster/Illustration Corentin JPM Leven