Performance: “SIRKLING”
19 May 2017–21 May 2017
Museum of Contemporary Art
In cooperation with the National Theatre of Norway, the National Museum presents Tori Wrånes’ new performance, SIRKLING – the most elaborate work Tori Wrånes has staged in Norway to date. The performance piece, with close to 40 participants, is part of Tori Wrånes’ exhibition, “Hot Pocket”, at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
World Premiere
In her art, Tori Wrånes blurs the traditional divisions between sound, image and movement. The viewer is drawn into a dreamlike, magical world where anything seems possible. The piece is staged across multiple rooms, creating the world in which the performance, SIRKLING, takes place.
At the centre of the action, a group of rock-carrying, furry creatures wander in circles, singing as they go. A gust of wind can be heard from above, and it seems as though the breeze is being carried into the performance on the fur of the animals. The audience is seated on a slowly rotating platform in the middle of the main room, as if on a journey. Has the audience been taken prisoner or is it on holiday in a dream?
Tori Wrånes’ performances have garnered widespread international attention. In recent years, her works have been commissioned for the Biennale of Sydney, Performa 13 in New York, the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in Dhaka, and Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö.
Light Design: Corentin JPM/ Magnus MIKAELSEN

Photography: Anne Bjorgli